Freundliche Neujahrsgrüße

von Prof. Rick Clark und seiner bezaubernden Frau. Anbei ein kurzer Mitschnitt von Nobi & Rick:


Hi Rick,

thank you so much for this beautiful picture.


You are welcome….

Never I saw you in such a relaxed position and situation.


Ah well it was a vacation and I think I had a glass of wine before the photo J  When you travel and teach seminars there is a fair amount of stress.  You always wonder if what you are teaching is appreciated by everyone, jet lag, and just wanting everything to go smooth with no problems for the host or myself.  Plus, most often it’s been 6 months to a year since I have seen friends and I always want to learn what has happened since the last time over.  BUT, I would not change anything.  I really enjoy seeing my friends and making new ones when I travel.  I am a very lucky person to get the opportunity to meet so many people and make friends around the world.

And your face: so amazing stressless.


I guess that comes from a bit of wine, sun, sand, ocean, and of course my wife J

Now I understand, why do you like to go back home so fast as possible.

You have a really wonderful wife. 


Thank you Nobi, I appreciate that.  You are a lucky guy as well.  You have a wonderful woman who also enjoys the martial arts and loves to travel with you, and has the opportunity to make the trips with you. 

All the best. Be well and happy.


I will do my best!  I am looking forward to seeing you and my friends in Germany once again.  It’s strange, when I first get to Germany I am always excited and happy to see everyone, but as my time grows short I begin to get sad that it will be such a long time before I can see everyone again.  It’s really a two edged sword when I come over – sadness and pleasure. 

Best to all,
